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ENC 1101 - Bielecki: Books & eBooks

Resources discussed and demonstrated during Ms. Bielecki's ENC 1101 courses' library orientation, as well as composition and grammar resources (For her ENC 1102 guide, visit

Searching the Library Collection to Find Books and eBooks

Created specifically for Ms. Bielecki's ENC 1101 courses, this page provides a basic overview of how to search the HCC Library collections for books and ebooks. First, read the log-in instructions on the "Home" tab. Then read the search strategies below right and search the ebook databases at left or the entire HCC library holdings (including printed books) at right.

Scroll down to find out how to get HCC's free tutoring in person or online. For help with other aspects of composition, click the tabs above. This page is designed to be a helpful supplement to the course instruction and Canvas materials, not a replacement for them. For specific details on assignments, see our Canvas course.

eBook Databases

While eBooks (online books) may come up in a general search of the Library Catalog, you can also search individual eBook databases to find online books that precisely match your topical search terms. In addition, you can browse by subject, as well as search within a subject.

Search HCC Libraries

Find books, articles, videos, & more

Tips on Searching

If you're prompted to enter Log-In information, refer to the Home or HCC ID Info page.

You may find all that you need just by using the Library Search box, including more than just books, e.g. articles, ebooks, streaming video, and other resources.

Finding Print Books in the Library

To Find a book in the library using the Library Catalog (HCC Libraries Search):

  1. You need the Call Number
  2. Check the Location (Circulation, Reference, etc.)
  3. Check the availability (available, checked out, etc.)

Here are a few slides to help you find a print book in the library.  If you can't find what you need, ask for help. 


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