This is the main page for grammar with links to resources on grammar in general, including online writing labs (OWLs) and embedded videos, as well as information on how to get HCC's free tutoring in person or online. For help with specific grammar topics, click or hover over the arrow of the "Grammar" tab above and choose from the drop-down list.
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Upswing is an online tutoring service to which all HCC students are subscribed. Call 844-879-8779 for tech support.
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Find out about HCC's EAP program by clicking here.
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Before you can watch the video above, you may need to be logged in with your Net ID. Log into our Canvas course or the library site and then return to this page.
Note that this video is four hours long because it covers almost everything you need to know about grammar. However, you can go to a specific topic by clicking it below or opening the video here and choosing the segment(s) you need from the list on the right side of that page.
This brief Prezi encapsulates the twenty most common grammar errors student writers encounter. (It is not close captioned because the speaker simply reads the onscreen text out loud.)
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