Created specifically for Ms. Bielecki's ENC courses, this page provides a brief introduction to the steps in the writing process. (For help with other aspects of composition, click the tabs above.) Scroll down to find supplemental resources for the composition process, including links to online writing labs (OWLs) and embedded videos, as well as information on how to get HCC's free tutoring in person or online.
This page is designed to be a helpful supplement to the course instruction and Canvas materials, not a replacement for them. For specific details on assignments, see our Canvas course.
Videos on each step are at the bottom of this LibGuide page.
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Videos on each step are at the bottom of this LibGuide page.
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Videos on each step are at the bottom of this LibGuide page.
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Upswing is an online tutoring service to which all HCC students are subscribed. Call 844-879-8779 for tech support.
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Step 1 is generating ideas. Some ways of doing this are listing, webbing/mapping, and freewriting. Did you know that this step is also called inventing and collecting? "Inventing" means gathering your own thoughts while "collecting" refers to doing research and taking notes. Find help with note-taking by clicking the Help! tab of this LibGuide and scrolling down to the "Study Skills, Reading Comprehension & Note-Taking" section.
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After you have generated ideas (step 1), this step works out how to put those ideas into an order that will make sense for readers.
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In this step, the essay takes shape as the writer puts the organized ideas (from steps 1 and 2) into complete sentences and paragraphs.
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In this step, writers consider higher-order concerns (content coverage, relevance, unity, and organization) of what they drafted (in step 3). This often involves feedback from tutors, classmates, and instructors.
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In this step (called "editing" in our textbook), writers consider lower-order concerns such as grammar, mechanics (capitalization, punctuation, and spelling), and formatting to finalize the essay. As in step 4, this often involves feedback from tutors, classmates, and instructors.
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