This page covers the topic of diction or word choice, including clarity, concision, tone, and problems with slang, dialect (colloquial language), pretentious language (unnecessarily big or fancy words), jargon, sensitive (e.g., sexist, racist, ageist) language, inexact (vague) language, wordiness, redundancy, and trite expressions (clichés). Further down the page, find links to online writing labs (OWLs), information on how to get HCC's free tutoring in person or online, and embedded videos. For more information on audience, purpose, genre, style, and tone, click the "Writing" tab.
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Upswing is an online tutoring service to which all HCC students are subscribed. Call 844-879-8779 for tech support.
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For more information on audience, as well as genre, purpose, style, and tone in writing, click the "Writing" tab.
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For more information on tone, as well as audience, genre, purpose, and style in writing, click the "Writing" tab.
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