Use the filtering menu to narrow results by Resource Type, Publication Date, Library (books, eBooks, videos by campus), and more.
Depending on your device, the Filter your results menu is located to the left of search results, or the filter icon at the top.
Finding and searching the library catalog, and filtering results, are demontrated in video tutorials.
Just a few databases in the arts and humanities area to search mostly scholarly articles.
Newspapers often feature articles about films, interviews with directors, actors and other personnel involved in films, and more.
A key part of the information timeline. newspaper articles can often be helpful in your research. This can be especially true of newer films or filmmakers, which may not be covered yet in scholarly articles.
To limit your results to newspaper articles, click Resource Type, then select Newspapers search.
Below is an example of a general search versus the same search filtered to Newspapers:
To pre-limit a search to Newspapers, you may use the following link:
Video databases may contain discussions of a film, film clips, or entire productions.