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ENC 1102 - Bielecki (Ybor City): Home

Resources discussed and demonstrated during Ms. Bielecki's ENC 1102 courses' library orientation, as well as composition and grammar resources (For her ENC 1101 guide, visit

Welcome and How to Use This Guide

Welcome! This guide was created for you, a student in Ms. Bielecki's ENC 1102 class, to provide information about using the HCC libraries for research as well as help with citations, composition, and grammar. Click on a tab at the top to find resources to help you navigate this LibGuide. For individual research assistance, please ask your instructor or a tutor, go to the library, or contact a librarian for help.
(If you're looking for Ms. Bielecki's ENC 1101 LibGuide, click here.)

Hawk Card and the Library

Hawk Card

With your Hawk Card you can:

For information on how to log in to HCC's online research resources:

Ybor Campus Librarians

Ybor City Campus Library's picture


Research and Library Help

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