The library has many different databases, some are multidisciplinary and some are subject specific. Below is a curated list of those most appropriate databases for conducting historical research. Click here for a full list of History & related databases.
A note about scholarly articles
Many, if not most, of the articles you will use in your research will be found in online library databases. Many of these articles are scholarly sources.
Scholarly sources relating to the humanities, such as culture, language, art, music, theatre, literature, philosophy, and more. Funding source: Statewide allocation. Find a tutorial.
History from the colonial period through the 21st Century in documentaries, newsreels, public affairs videos, and archival footage. Funded by FLVC group license. Find a tutorial.
biographical reference database covering people in literature, science, multicultural studies, business, entertainment, politics, sports, government, history, current events and the arts