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Modern American History - Williamson- Plant City

Database Information

Database Use

Library article databases are great tools to use in order to find authoritative, credible, and reliable resources for your research assignment.  Article databases provide access to newspapers, such as The New York Times, Magazines, such as History Today, Academic Journals, such as, Journal of American History and streaming videos.   If you have any questions, please contact your librarian.

General Databases

General Databases are good ones to use when you aren't sure where to start.  These databases provide access to magazine, newspaper and professional journal articles. 

Social Science and Business Related Databases

In the following databases, you can find newspaper, magazine and professional journal articles on the topics listed on the Social Science topic page.

Pro/Con Databases

The databases listed below provide arguments for both sides to an issue.  I've included them here because you might find a different perspective from a pro/con argument versus a peer-reviewed article or an article written from a biased source.  

Google Scholar Search

Search for scholarly literature across many subject areas and sources: articles, theses, books, abstracts and court opinions, from academic publishers, professional societies, online repositories, universities and other web sites.

Google Scholar Search Tips 

If you're off-campus, Set up Google Scholar on your computer to allow access to HCC Libraries resources.