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Modern American History - Williamson- Plant City

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Using this page

The books listed on this page can be found in our HCC Libraries, whether in print or as an eBook.  By choosing the book title, you will be linked to the HCC Libraries Online Catalog record which will display book content information as well as location information.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your librarian.

Books and eBooks

American Theme Parks

Use the search term amusement parks as well.

Native American Communities

The books in this collection present statistical information as well as general information on the current (within the last 15 years) condition of Native American communities.

Changing Social Trends

The following books are suggested titles that provide general information on social trends in the 20th and 21st Centuries.  For books on specific social trends, use that term as your keyword search term.  For example, to search for the social trend of family size, use that phrase "family size" in quotation marks as your keyword search term.


The listing of books below are a sample of what the library has to offer on the history of Cointelpro as well as the investigation of Black Power.

Religion Topics

The following resources cover the religious based topics:

  • Religious Cults in the Last 50 years
  • Changing Social Trends - religious affiliations
  • The Christian Coalition/Religious Right
    • Example:  Moral Majority; Jerry Falwell; Pat Robertson

Scandals in Sports


Recent Economic Recession