Hillsborough Community College has switched to a new library catalog, PRIMO. You can log on through CANVAS and go to the HCC Libraries via the toolbar on the left side of the screen in one of your courses. Click HCC Libraries Online in the center of the next screen.
If you are prompted to log in to any of the library resources, look for SSO (single sign on). Then put in your NetID username and password - just like logging on to CANVAS. Remember to include hawkmail.hccfl.edu
Need help with your NetID? Register your NetID, reset your NetID password, etc. start at https://netid.hccfl.edu
Need more assistance? Go to hcclive.hccfl.edu or call the Help Desk at 913-253-7000
Tip: If you are using your default password, change it as soon as possible.
A short video introducing the library catalog PRIMO.
Ilene's instructions for logging in to PRIMO
1. In a Canvas course, click "HCC Libraries Online" from the leftnav or left navigation menu.
2. Click the "Launch HCC " button
3. You are logged into the Library Catalog Search (Note: use the tabs (Library Home, Databases, etc.) to access other library resources. (Click to see screenshots)