There are multiple ways to log-in to HCC Libraries online resources depending on how you are linked to them:
Ways to access the HCC Libraries website:
Library Presentations = 50 Points.
Presentations complete in one week.
You will pick a country and find a peer-reviewed, academic journal article (minimum 1,500 words) about any topic related to that country.
Only scholarly articles from peer-reviewed, academic journals will be accepted - not popular magazines, newspapers, encyclopedias or government publications.
The class will be instructed on what peer-reviewed, academic journals are, and how to use a library research database to find articles from those publications. Attendance at the library instruction session is mandatory.
You will make a 3 minute oral presentation to the class to explain what your article is about & in which journal the article appeared.
You will give the instructor the page with the MLA citation when you do the presentation.