Search tips
- On the homepage, under Browse by Discipline, click a subject to browse articles, books, reference works, and more, in that subject.
- Or, use the search bar at the top of the page to search for a title, keyword, subject, or author.
- On the left side of the screen, you can narrow down your search by the content type or sub-discipline.
- Above those search filters is a box you can un-check to exclude materials not available to HCC.
- To view the item, click on the title; you can also download PDFs to view offline.
More tips
On the results page, each title has its content type identified (book, article, etc.)above the title. Sometimes articles are parts of collections, and you can find related materials in the collection on the right side of the page after opening the title. When you open a book, you can navigate the chapters menu to read them online or download individually, or download the entire book.