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This library guide will help you complete your assignment to find a scholarly article about a country from a peer-reviewed, academic journal. You will use a library database to find your article. Click the tabs across the top for more information about finding your article and completing your assignment. See below for important log-in information.

Search HCC Libraries

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Additional Log-In Methods

There are multiple ways to log-in to HCC Libraries online resources depending on how you are linked to them:

  • 1. Your username: first initial of first name, last name, and any number assigned by the system. e.g. John Smith = jsmith27 plus
  • 2. Your default password: first initial of first name CAPITALIZED, first initial of last name (lowercase) followed by your 7-digit student number, e.g., Jsmith1234567
  • 3. Library sign in with Net ID
  • 1. In a Canvas course, click "HCC Libraries Online" from the leftnav or left navigation menu.
  • 2. Click the "Launch HCC " button
  • 3. You are logged into the Library Catalog Search (Note: use the tabs (Library Home, Databases, etc.) to access other library resources. (Click to see screenshots)
  • 4. Library access though Canvas
  • 1. Skip the OpenAthens login and instead search "Hillsborough" in the "Find your Institution" search box.
  • 2. Use your NetID login as described above.
  • 3. Find your Institution Login

Ways to access the HCC Libraries website:

The Assignment

Library Presentations = 50 Points.

Presentations complete in one week.

You will pick a country and find a peer-reviewed, academic journal article (minimum 1,500 words) about any topic related to that country.

Only scholarly articles from peer-reviewed, academic journals will be accepted - not popular magazines, newspapers, encyclopedias or government publications.

The class will be instructed on what peer-reviewed, academic journals are, and how to use a library research database to find articles from those publications. Attendance at the library instruction session is mandatory.

You will make a 3 minute oral presentation to the class to explain what your article is about & in which journal the article appeared.

You will give the instructor the page with the MLA citation when you do the presentation.