Library resources providers know that you often need to provide a works cited page and are assisting you in this by providing citations for multiple citation styles (APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.) that can be copy/pasted* into a Word document.
In the Library Catalog, PRIMO, nearly all of the print books, e-books, etc. will have citations provided.
In addition, many of the databases have a similar feature. Beside the fulltext of many of the articles from the databases, look for "Cite" or "Citation Tools" for the ability to create copy/paste citations into your works cited page.
When using these citation tools please verify the citation follows the most up-to-date style guidelines. There are sometimes errors.
1. Finish copy/pasting your citations into the Microsoft word document.
--Then, edit, select all:
2. Change differing fonts and text sizes to match.
3. Sort the documents, from A-Z (The first word in each entry must be in alphabetical order).
go to "Home">AZ and sort. Check for items that did not sort properly and fix.
3. All entries must be double-spaced.
--To Double-space your entries:
go to Home>paragraph>lower arrow>line spacing>double>OK
4. All entries must be "hanging indent." (The first line is flush to the left margin; any other lines of the entry are indented.
--Apply "hanging indent" to your entries:
go to Home>paragraph>lower arrow>indentation>special>hanging>OK
The entries in your document should be formatted correctly.