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Vendor Tutorials: Home

Collect tipsheets and more from vendors here


This is a place to store links to vendor tutorials.

A related item is the "alt" database descriptions on this page. These can be copied and modified as you wish when re-using database assets. These alternative descriptions emphasize quick user tips rather than the marketing verbiage common in descriptions provided by vendors.

"Alt" database descriptions

Below are "alternative database descriptions" that can be copy/pasted or adapted when mapping database assets. As with any assets that are mapped, the description field is customizable. These alternative descriptions focus on instructions for "how to get started" using a particular database. 

These "alt" descriptons are intended to provide a replacement, if desired, for the vendor marketing verbiage in the default description fields in Databases A-Z.

Helpful resources for for A-Z revision

Example very brief descriptions

HCPLC’s databases A-Z,

Code to embed tutorial link in database description

Here is a <a href="link URL">tutorial</a>.

Code to insert instructions from Kathryn's sheet (when vendor tutorial not available) in the "more" field

<h4>Search tips</h4><h5>From the homepage, try or more of the following methods</h5>:<ol type=1><li>Use the search bar for a title, keyword, author, or subject.</li><li>Or, use the link, Browse Journals by Discipline, narrowing down the discipline and subject for a list of journals.</li><li>Or, click Explore Discipline Hubs
to find a specific discipline and all materials that fall under it.</li></ol>Discipline pages include Search Within Discipline Journals; sub-topic journals;open access journals; books, videos, and podcasts; and more.

Web-based text editor

Online Notepad, 


(Rev/ 9/25/23, 9/10/23; by Alicia)

Business research tips