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Online Library Orientation: The Information Timeline

This LibGuide offers general information about the HCC Libraries, library services, and resources available for research.

The Information Timeline YouTube Video

The Information Timeline graphic

Text version

Information Timeline

Knowing how, when, and who covers a newsworthy event will help you determine what kind of source to use and how to evaluate the source.

Newsworthy event occurs

The Same Day:
Social media, TV News, News website (Facebook, Twitter; CNN, BayNews 9, WFLA)

The Week of the Event:
Print Newspapers (Tampa Bay TimesNew York Times, Wall Street Journal, USA Today)

The Month of the Event:
Magazines (Time, Newsweek, People)

Months After:
Academic and Scholarly Journals (Journal of Common Market Studies, Human Behavior, Developmental Psychology)

Year or More After:
Books, Government Reports, Encyclopedias (Hurricane Katrina: The Storm that Changed America)