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Library Instruction -- Template

Instructional materials and resources created by all HCC Librarians!

HCC librarians


  • KD - Karen Dufraine
  • kh - Kristin Heathcock



* Although these were created for an ENC-1101 class at Brandon, Kristin says that they are general enough for use by any class/campus.

Rather than remapping the various pages, boxes, etc, here are links to the general sandbox:

Tour the Ybor City Library (00:02:09)

Other Insitutions

What is a Scholarly Journal Article? from University of Washington Libraries

The first two, 2-minute videos below are from The Writing Center at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. They are ostensibly about citing - but they are not mechanical how-tos (they can't be such in 2 minutes). They emphasize higher-order thinking, framing the use of outside sources within the context of "scholarship as a conversation."

Librarians, please read: FYI

More videos - and other media - for reuse are in Storage Guide and Online Library Orientation (see Find Books and Video Tutorials). 

When making a video widget, sizing the width to 100% makes it scale with whatever size box into which the widget is inserted.

If a video you want to reuse is not the type of asset you want, please check first to see if the desired asset already exists before you create one.

If a video that you want to reuse is listed with a URL (like Relay, Camtasia, YouTube) but not as a LibGuides asset link or widget: there might be an asset created for it. Or - it's fine to hyperlink text with the URL.

These notes are from Alicia.

Jeremy or I can help if you have questions about reusing. For questions about the content of a media item, please contact its creator.