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Library Instruction -- Template

Instructional materials and resources created by all HCC Librarians!

DM librarians storage

Slides for embedding in LibGuides media widgets

Latest uploads: 9/03/24


Log in to Scribd *first* at

  • Email:
  • Password: DrewPark 
  • User Name: Dale Mabry Library

After email is verified and you are logged in, get ready to go to Slideshare from the Scribd home page.

On the Scribd home page:

  1. Click Profile icon
  2. Click Document uploads
  3. Scroll down and click SlideShare
  4. Click "Log in to Slideshare with Scribd"

On Slideshare home page:

  1. Click My Uploads
  2. Uploads cannot be replaced--new versions must be uploaded and the old versions deleted
  3. Upload the new versions
  4. Get ready to capture their embed codes right away at the point of "publishing"
    • It's hard to go back and get those codes later
  5. Delete the old versions
  6. Go to LibGuides assets and edit the two assets, replacing the embed codes

In LibGuides assets, replace the links for the complete and abbreviated slides. Here is the asset info for each:

  • Complete 66640770, name: SLS 1106 Slides in Slideshare
  • Abbreviated 73718703, name: SLS 1106 slideshow without questions for DM Library guide

Tour Handout for In-Person Tours

For next update

  • Add the following:
    • "Newspaper search" - both how to do a search limited to newspapers - and how to filter results to newspapers
    • Starting a search with just a few, pertintent, keywords - emphasizing the "key"
      • Then when results populate review the item record for subject headings and click those to start whole new searches on those subjects

Assets below, updated with current files

Accessibility how-tos

NOTE:Expanded glossary of library terms from ACRL: ACRL-IS Multilngual Glossary Definitions - Google Docs

Below....By Kathryn and Kathryn upon Alicia's request and with my Kathryn on her own...and by Anonymous.

NOTE:  Word Docs and PDFs have not been checked for accessibility.

Opposing Viewpoints

Searching Catalog and Databases

Search Google like a Pro

CRAAP test