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First Year Experience Orientation-Mullen_PlantCity: Study Skills

For SLS 1106 First Year Experience Orientation - Mullen

How to Study/What is the best strategy for me?

The information found on this page can be used to help enhance current study habits and skills from note taking, time management to organizing your thoughts.


A sample of the types of books and eBooks available through HCC Libraries.  Your library card is your student ID/Hawkcard.  To view eBooks, you must be logged in - see the Trouble Logging In page for instructions.

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Good Databases to Use

The following databases provide excellent articles on study skills, time management, note taking.  Effective keyword search terms to use are:

  • "study skills"
  • "note taking" AND "college students"
  • "time management" AND "college students"

These are quality websites for the study skills assignment. No log in required.