Besides searching the library's catalog, PRIMO, your search should include using smaller, more-specific library databases.
Access all Databases A-Z, filtering by subject. Or, take advantage of the recommendations below:
These databases are good for searching just about any topic or subject.
They contain mostly articles from periodicals - many are scholarly or peer-reviewed.
Now part of JSTOR. Images in a wide array of subjects from worldwide museums, archives, scholars, and artists, rights-cleared for education and research. Funded by FLVC group license. Find a tutorial, under JSTOR.
Many materials you find in college-level research are articles from scholarly journals, often called "peer-reviewed," or "academic." In some instances, your professor will require you to use these types of articles, at least as some of the sources that you cite in your work. The resources below demonstrate the typical appearance, structure, and function of scholarly articles.
A Yavapai College student explains the benefits of using library databases for research.