Below is a numbered list of contents in the Gallery of Cool Stuff on this page. Some items are for in-library use only, others can be checked out. Ask at the front desk!
Slide 1:
- Calculators - TI-30XIIS and TI-84 - available for 3-day checkout.
- Coloring books
- Colored pencils
- Wifi Hotspots for student check-out only.
- Anatomy Coloring Workbook
- Magnetic Human Body
- Heart Model
- Human Body Model
- Light Box
- Skull Model
- Umbrellas
Slide 2:
- Headset (on a skull model)
- Student check-out only; loan time is one three-day period at a time, with one renewal.
Slide 3:
- Webcam
- For student check-out only; loan time is one 3-day period at a time, with one renewal.
Slide 4:
14: Telescope
Slide 5:
15. Binoculars