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Dale Mabry Library Information & Services
Checking out books and more
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Dale Mabry Library Information & Services: Checking out books and more
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Checking out library items
For the easiest way to check out books and other items, please have your
Hawk Card
Circulating books (books that can be checked out) may be renewed if there are no holds placed by other library users
Overdue notices will be sent via HawkMail.
Please know that you will be responsible for the cost of unreturned library materials
Failure to return overdue items will trigger a hold on your academic records for the full value of the items
Reference books are for in-library use only
Reserve items are for in-library use only
If you need to borrow a book from another library
Interlibrary loan request for Dale Mabry
To request books and articles that you cannot find within HCC Libraries, complete this form, print it, and submit to
library staff
If you want to suggest something for the library to buy
Library purchase suggestion for Dale Mabry
Submitting a request does not guarantee it will be filled, but a librarian will review each and every request to determine if the item will be a good fit for our library collection. Thank you.
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