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Medical Laboratory Science: Writing Your ICMJE Research Paper

Books, journals, databases related to the program including hematology, microbiology, parasitology, pathology and urinalysis.

Guidelines for ICMJE Research Paper

The American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science (ASCLS) has established guidelines for case study submittals. Faculty of the MLS program adopted the American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science (ASCLS) format for research papers which includes the International Committee for Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) style for citations. The following links provide ASCLS guidelines for formatting the research paper and sample citations from ICMJE.

ASCLS case study format.

ICMJE citations samples.

Organization of ICMJE Citation

If you have to type out your citation, use the order of fields below to do so. Pay attention to corresponding punctuations.


Article Title.

Chapter Title.

Journal (abbreviated)

Book Title.

[Source eg: internet, letter, abstract, dissertation, dataset, map, preprint, software]

Publication date (Year Month abbreviated Date for journals)

[cited Year Month abbreviated Date (the date you cited the article)]

Edition (for books)


Available from: URL.

Location (for books):


Publication Year (for books).