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Brandon Library: Information and Services: BR Library Information

Library Information

HCC Brandon Campus Library
BLRC 100
10451 Nancy Watkins Drive

Tampa, FL 33619

Main phone 813-253-7803

 Summer 2024 Hours
Monday - Thursday: 8 AM to 6 PM
Closed Fridays, weekends, & holidays

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😎 Summer Squad

Need help finding sources? These are your Librarians during the summer semester!

May - June

Roxanna Palmer | 📧 | 💬 Chat with me in Teams

June - July

Gina Oviedo-Martinez | 📧 | 💬 Chat with me in Teams

Contact Information

Brandon Library: phone, chat, and email

Name Contact Phone (813)
Dr. Kristin Heathcock, Librarian Email | Chat 253-7812
Ilene Frank, Librarian Email | Chat 253-7886
Daniel Cardwell, Librarian Email | Chat 253-7812

Faculty Library Orientation requests  |  Make an appointment with a librarian

Name Contact Phone (813)
Shaina Ford,  LRC Coordinator Email |  253-7935
Therese O'Connell, LRC Tech Email |  253-7847

Map to Brandon Campus