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Dr. Freeman - CRW 1001 Creative Writing I - (Plant City): Using the Library Online Catalog

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Books and Ebooks

Using the Library Catalog

Use the Library Catalog keyword search term box above to locate books and eBooks in the HCC Plant City Library. 

Example Search:

To locate items in the library that are by or about a particular author, such as Stephen King, type the author's name in the search box of the library catalog and choose Search.

Library Catalog search term "Stephen King"


Use the Filter Your Results column to help narrow your search results.  To locate the resource, open the catalog record by choosing the title of the resource.  The full catalog record will provide access points to printed versions available in the library or to the online version through a library database or authoritative Internet site.  Any questions or issues, please do not hesitate to contact a librarian.

Books located in the HCC Library Online Catalog