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Religion Resources - REL 2300 (Brandon): Online Databases

This guide is designed to assist students taking REL 2300 class.

Reference Sources

Please consult the "Home" Tab for log-in information. 

This is a list of Reference databases. For full list consult the Database Finder.

News Sources

Please consult the "Home" Tab for log-in information.

This is a list of select News databases. For all full list consult the Database Finder

Online Article Databases

Please consult the "Home" Tab for log-in information.

This is a list of General databases for researching periodical articles (from magazines/journals/newspapers). Depending on your topic you may want to consult the Database Finder.

Streaming Databases (full)

Please consult the "Home" Tab for log-in information. For a full list of Digital Content databases consult the Databases by Subject List.

Pro/Con Databases

Arts & Humanities Databases

Please consult the "Home" Tab for log-in information.

This is a list of  Arts & Humanities research databases. For a full list consult the Database Finder.