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ENC 1102 - Niedbalec: Home

This guide contains information on library resources for the literature topics and research papers requires for this course.

Using This Guide

This guide will assist you with assignments for ENC 1102 with Professor Niedbalec.

In your class you will be using a variety of resources to complete your literature assignments and your research paper. This guide includes links to library resources, such as the catalog to find books, and databases to find magazines, journals, newspaper articles and literary criticism.

We want to make using the library easy and enjoyable for you. We hope you find this guide useful.

If you have any questions or need any assistance, please contact your librarians for additional help.


Hawk Card & the Library

Hawk Card

With your Hawk Card you can:

For information on how to log in to HCC's online research resources:

Faculty Librarian

Adjunct Librarian

Profile Photo
Amanda Roberts
1206 N. Park Road
Plant City, FL