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Dr. Reid - ENC 1101 - Plant City Campus: MLA Research Paper

Topic Keywords and Search Terms


Figure out the keywords from your assignment topic.  The keywords are the main topics and the subtopics of your assignment.  For example, I have typed in Italics the words in the assignment topic about human trafficking incidents in Florida that I would consider keywords.  I also typed what I would consider the main topic in bold as well as Italics.  See below for the example.

Write a MLA Research Paper that focuses on conducting research to learn more about the factors contributing to the rapidly growing number of reported human trafficking incidents in Florida, the risk factors and social implications for children and young adults, and the support services and resources urgently needed to address this epidemic.

Use the HCC Library Catalog link below to type in your search terms. The Search Terms below are a sample of what can be found through the HCC Libraries Online system.  

Search Terms and Search Results

Search Terms

Build search terms from the keywords.  Develop more search terms through brainstorming for related words and synonyms.  For example, United States is a related search term to America.

Below are some sample search terms and search results. 

Tips for searching Google Scholar

Google Scholar Search

Google Scholar searches academic publishers, professional societies, online repositories, universities and other web sites. Note: Access may be limited.

Google Scholar Search Tips (includes how to locate the full text of an article)

If you're off-campus, Set up Google Scholar on your computer to allow access to resources available through HCC Libraries.

Pro Tip:  Access Google Scholar through HCC Libraries databases; no need to adjust your computer's settings to show results in HCC Libraries:

Streaming Video Content about Trafficking in the United States

Videos as Resources

The following resources listed are library online databases that provide content via streaming media.  These videos are mostly documentaries on the topic of human trafficking in the United States.  

Resources Accessed Through The Library

General Databases

General Databases provide information from several different types of resources, such as newspaper, magazine and journal articles, NPR audio broadcast recordings on multiple topics.  

Subject Specific Online Databases

Some library databases provide access to different types of resources that are geared to a specific subject area, such as health and medicine, legal or criminal justice, social sciences, etc.  

Newspaper Databases


Federal and Organizational Websites