Elián González's history is fictionalized in Jennine Capó Crucet's "Make Your Home Among Strangers" as the character Ariel Henandez. "Elián González Brotons (born December 6, 1993) is a Cuban technician who, as a child, became embroiled in a heated international custody and immigration controversy in 2000 involving the governments of Cuba and the United States, his father Juan Miguel González Quintana, his other relatives in Cuba and in Miami, and Miami's Cuban community." Read more using the links below.
Rono, Vanessa. (2023, February 8). Elián González nearly became an American. Now he's poised to become a Cuban lawmaker. NPR https://www.npr.org/2023/02/08/1155292248/elian-gonzalez-cuba-national-assembly-nomination