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ENC 1101 - Library Research Assignment : Home

Using this guide

Using This Guide

This guide has been created to assist you when working on assignments for ENC 1101 from the online ENC 1101 textbook. 

For your assignments you need information from books, articles and more -- here you will find tips to guide you in finding information in each of these resources. The tabs above direct you to resources for the specific assignments. 

If you have any problems or questions - please feel free to contact the Brandon Campus librarians for additional help. See Brandon Library: Information and Services

If you are an online learning student -- you might find the Online Learning Hub very helpful!  Check it out!

Use the information below to log on to the HCC Libraries. 

Hawk Card & the Library

Hawk Card

With your Hawk Card you can:

For information on how to log in to HCC's online research resources: