The goal of this project is to discover how frequently any of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) appear in the Course Intended Outcomes (CIOs) of HCC courses. We chose to first map the CIOs because, unlike specific pedagogical practices and course materials used by individual instructors, CIOs are a more consistent variable across all course sections.
Using the feedback from this survey, we hope to get a broad scope of how frequently concepts of sustainability are introduced to students within any given educational pathway at HCC. Whatever the results may be, our intention is to spark a dialogue among faculty about SDGs across the college curriculum.
Do you have questions about this project? Contact Roxanna Palmer at
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), are a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity. - from the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Sustainable Development
We believe the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals are an ideal mechanism to discuss the broad concepts of sustainability and focus efforts into manageable outcomes that take into account the complex way our diverse and global society interacts with and depends upon the environment. Additionally, this project is inspired by a variety of course mapping initiatives at other colleges and universities. Visit the list of resources at the end of this guide for links to other projects.
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