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Opticianry (Dale Mabry): Stimson Collection

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The Russell Stimson Collection - HCC Opticianry Program

bookshelves in stimson collectionWhat is the Stimson Collection?

The Stimson Collection consists of many rare books on optics. At 900 volumes, it is the largest collection of optical books in the country.

Where is it?

​The Stimson Collection is housed in a  facility - the DTEC building - separate from the HCC Dale Mabry Campus Library. The items in the collection are listed in the HCC Libraries catalog, with a special designation, as described below.


Russell Stimson was a widely read author and owner of a large optical laboratory in California. The Stimson estate donated the collection to Canada College in Redwood City. When Canada College stopped offering an Opticianry program, the collection was placed in storage. The collection was then purchased by William Waterman who operated a private opticianry program in the San Francisco area. Bill and his wife Ann generously donated the collection to the Hillsborough Community College (HCC) Opticianry Program in Tampa, Florida. Bill is a former faculty member and Opticianry program manager at HCC.

How Stimson Collection items appear in library search results

A search for opticianry materials in HCC Libraries will often yield results that show a status of Checked out: Hillsborough/Dale Mabry Special Collection. The location will be identified as Stimson Collection. For example:

image of library catalog search result for stimson item

This is done to ensure that the item will not be removed to fill loan requests from other libraries.

If you wish to access such an item, you will need to make an appointment to visit the Stimson Collection. Please refer to the location, availability and contact information on this page.

Quick facts:


  • DTEC Building, Room 220A
  • 4001 Tampa Bay Blvd
  • Tampa, FL 33630


  • For students and members of the opthalmic community.
  • By appointment only.
  • Books must be used on-site.


Professor Thomas Neff
Opticianry Department Chair

Search Dale Mabry Library

Use the search box below to find opticianry-related materials in HCC's Dale Mabry Campus Library Catalog. If any results are labeled as being located in the Stimson Collection, please refer to the Location, availability and contact info above.

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