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ENC 1102 - Mita (Brandon): Literary Analysis of a Film Instructions & Resources

This is an online resource for students in ENC 1102 - Online with Professor Mita

Locating Resources for the Annotated Bibliography

Your research will likely require you to use a variety of sources. The sources below will be helpful for locating information about both your film and the ideas related to your film (theme, symbol, character, plot, literary themes, etc). You might use all of the sources or might have great luck with just one or two of them! 

As you research, remember to reach out to your campus librarians for assistance. 

Useful Databases!!

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Books - Film Analysis

This is a short list of books available at the HCC Brandon Campus Library about film analysis. There are MANY other books available from other HCC campuses and other colleges around the state. Search for them in PRIMO, the library catalog. Using keywords that yield ample results are film analysis, film study, film history. 

Literary Criticism

Books in the Brandon Campus Library that provide definitions and more information about the different schools of literary criticism.