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SYG 2000 - Mellan (Plant City): Home

This guide has the information needed to complete the journal article analysis project in Dr. Mellan's Sociology class.


Welcome to the guide for Dr. Mellan's Sociology Class.  This guide has the required information needed to complete your journal article analysis paper.  Click on the tabs above to find information about your assignment and the resources available at the library.

Additional Log-In Methods

There are multiple ways to log-in to HCC Libraries online resources depending on how you are linked to them:

  • 1. Your username: first initial of first name, last name, and any number assigned by the system. i.e. John Smith = jsmith27 plus
  • 2. Your default password: first initial of first name CAPITALIZED, first initial of last name (lowercase) followed by your 7-digit student number, e.g., Jsmith1234567
  • 3. Library sign in with Net ID
  • 1. In a Canvas course, click "HCC Libraries Online" from the leftnav or left navigation menu.
  • 2. Click the "Launch HCC " button
  • 3. You are logged into the Library Catalog Search (Note: use the tabs (Library Home, Databases, etc.) to access other library resources. (Click to see screenshots)
  • 4. Library access though Canvas
  • 1. Skip the OpenAthens login and instead search "Hillsborough" in the "Find your Institution" search box.
  • 2. Use your NetID login as described above.
  • 3. Find your Institution Login

Ways to access the HCC Libraries website:

Library Login and intro to PRIMO, the new library catalog

Log in by clicking the Sign In link at the top right of the page.
Screen capture of the HCC library catalog with a yellow box around the sign in link, which is located at the top right, as well as a yellow arrow pointing to the sign in link.





You will also be prompted to log in while searching in the catalog.
Screen capture of the HCC library catalog with a yellow box around the sign in link, as well as a yellow arrow pointing to the sign in link







A pop-up box will appear, Click NetID


You may be prompted to enter a Username and Password. If so, enter your HCC email as your Username and your regular HCC password.