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Food Insecurity and College Students: Home

Use this guide to find information on food insecurity and college students


The Hillsborough Community College campuses have set up food pantries See Food 2 Finish 

Need some more ideas on locations for food distribution in your area? Google tool: findfoodsupport (Information from ) and  locally see Food2Finish - OTHER AREA RESOURCES   

HCC Storm Information Links to counties' services, etc. Example: Hillsborough County Storm Recovery Resources 

Books on Food Insecurity

RealCollege Press

"#RealCollege Resource Library focuses on the struggles, triumphs, and realities of what it means to be in college today. 


Brandon Campus - Food 2 Finish soft launch August 21, 2019

The Hillsborough Community College  - Brandon campus. Food2Finish. 

Brandon Campus FALL 2024::  On campus and need access to the food pantry  - Visit the Career Center BSSB 210

The food pantry at the Brandon Campus is located in BACA Room 106. 

Partners include the HCC FoundationFeeding Tampa Bay;  Suncoast Credit Union. The Junior League of Tampa.


Food2Finish poster with Suncoast Credit Union's support       

Along with food, diapers and period products are available 

See also Food2Finish - OTHER AREA RESOURCES  


How are other food pantries operating during the pandemic?


More information

Can already existing government programs help?   

Young Invincibles. (2018, February) Rethinking SNAP benefits for college students.


Kelly, R. (2020, September 9).  Universities roll out food delivery by robot.  Campus Technology.

Twitter hashtags and handles


@CUFBA    College and University Food Bank Alliance  



@hope4college  Hope Center for College





