Does OER help with student learning, retention, success? Some examples of research studies done by the Open Education Group.
Bali, M., Cronin, C., & Jhangiani, R.S., 2020. Framing Open Educational Practices from a Social Justice Perspective. Journal of Interactive Media in Education, 2020(1), p.10.
Bali, M., Harnum, A., and Doner, S. (2017). Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in OER [Video]. YouTube.
Colvard, Nicholas B., C. Edward Watson, & Hyojin Park. The impact of open educational resources on various student success metrics. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 30.2 (2018): 262-276.
Grimaldi, P. J., Basu Mallick, D., Waters, A. E., & Baraniuk, R. G. (2019). Do open educational resources improve student learning? Implications of the access hypothesis. PLOS ONE, 14(3).
Hodgkinson-Williams, C. A., & Trotter, H. (2018). A Social Justice Framework for Understanding Open Educational Resources and Practices in the Global South. Journal of Learning for Development, 5(3).
Hogben, M., & Waterman, C. K. (1997). Are All of Your Students Represented in Their Textbooks? A Content Analysis of Coverage of Diversity Issues in Introductory Psychology Textbooks. Teaching of Psychology, 24(2), 95–100
Klaudinyi, J. (2020). Equity and Open Education Faculty Cohort. Google Sites.
Nusbaum A., Cuttler, C., & Swindell, S. (2020). Open Educational Resources as a Tool for Educational Equity: Evidence From an Introductory Psychology Class. Frontiers in Education.
Brandle, S.M., Katz, S., Cooney, C., Beth, A. Disanto, J., Hays, A., Miles, L., Morrison, A. (2019). But what do the students think: Results of the CUNY cross-campus zero-textbook cost student survey. OpenPraxis,11(1), 85-101. doi:10.5944/openpraxis.11.1.932
CUNY ZTC Student Survey Spring 2018
Colvard, N. B., Watson, C. E., & Park, H. (2018). The Impact of Open Educational Resources on Various Student Success Metrics. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 30(2), 262-276.
Croteau, E. (2017). Measures of student success with textbook transformations: the Affordable Learning Georgia Initiative. Open Praxis, 9(1), 93-108. doi:
Chiorescu, M. (2017). Exploring Open Educational Resources for College Algebra. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 18(4).
Fischer, L., Hilton, J., Robinson T. J., & Wiley, D. (2015). A Multi-institutional Study of the Impact of Open Textbook Adoption on the Learning Outcomes of Post-secondary Students. Journal of Computing in Higher Education. doi: 10.1007/s12528-015-9101-x
Grewe, K., Davis, W.P. (2017). The Impact of Enrollment in an OER Course on Student Learning Outcomes. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 18 (4).
Hendricks, C. Reinsberg, S.A., Rieger, G.W. (2017). The adoption of an open textbook in a large physics course: An analysis of cost, outcomes, use, and perceptions. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 18 (4).
Hilton, J. (2019, August). Open educational resources, student efficacy, and user perceptions: A synthesis of research published between 2015 and 2019. Educational Technology Research and Development. doi:
Hilton, J., Fischer, L., Wiley, D., & Williams, L. (2016). Maintaining momentum toward graduation: OER and the course throughput rate. International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 17(6).
Jhangiani, R. S., Dastur, F. N., LeGrand, R., & Penner, K. (2018). As good or better than commercial textbooks: Students’ perceptions and outcomes from using open digital and open print textbooks. The Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 9(1), 5+
Nusbaum, A. T. & Cutter, C. (2020, June 9). Hidden impacts of OER: Effects of OER on instructor ratings and course selection. Frontiers in Education.
Nusbaum A., Cuttler, C., & Swindell, S. (2020). Open Educational Resources as a Tool for Educational Equity: Evidence From an Introductory Psychology Class. Frontiers in Education.
VanderWaal Mills, K. D. & Gucinski, M. (2019, August 30). Implementation of open textbooks in community and technical college biology courses: the good, the bad, and the data. LSE: Life Sciences Education, 18(3).
Wiley, D., Hilton, J., Ellington, S. & Hall, T. (2012). A Preliminary Examination of the Cost Savings and Learning Impacts of Using Open Textbooks in Middle and High School Science Classes. International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 13(3).
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