This University of Minnesota tool can help you determine how much time you have to complete various aspects of your research and writing, given your starting date and due date. Calculate by research subject.
The following databases provide excellent articles on study skills, time management, note taking. Effective keyword search terms to use are:
"study skills"
"note taking" AND "college students"
"time management" AND "college students"
Educator's Reference Complete (Gale)Full-text articles from periodicals and reports for educators, administrators, and education students. Funding source: State Library of Florida. Find a tutorial.
Education Source (EBSCO)Full-text journal articles, books, conference papers, and more, covering early childhood through higher education—including educational specialties such as multilingual education, health education and testing. Funded by statewide allocation.
Academic OneFile (Gale)Full-text journal articles, many peer-reviewed, and reference content, discussing sciences, technology, health sciences, social sciences, arts, humanities, and more. Funded by State Library of Florida. Find a tutorial.
Academic Search Complete (EBSCO)Full-text journal articles, many peer-reviewed, discussing sciences, technology, health sciences, social sciences, arts, humanities, and more. Funded by statewide allocation. Find a tutorial.
Sage Skills - Student Success Learning resource focused on academic and personal skills related to student success and lifelong learning (Student Success). Funding source: Statewide allocation.
Useful Websites for Study Skills Assignment
These are quality websites for the study skills assignment. No log in required.