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Bell - SLS 1106 First Year Experience Orientation - : Careers

Career Resources Video

Information about Career Resources

The link below is for a video introduction to career-oriented resources.  This video explains how to determine which career-oriented resource is the right one for you to use for your career research assignment in the SLS course.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact an HCC librarian.

Recommended Keyword Search Terms for Career Research

Search Term Ideas

"Careers In..." - There are several series of books that have have tittles or descriptions with "careers in".  An example of how to enter a search for a specific career field with "careers in":

"Careers in" AND engineering

For additional search term tips:

Type your career interest, such as business, accounting, veterinary and one of the following terms below.

  • career
  • jobs
  • salary - think of related words such as wages
  • skills
  • working conditions or related term such as working environment
  • projected growth
Examples of search results using some of the above search terms.

Search HCC Libraries - Careers

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Sample of Resources Found through the Library Catalog