The file below called "How to Find a Peer-Reviewed Article" are very detailed instructions from your professor, Mr. Madonna. Also on this page are screenshots from the library catalog as well as from our library databases.
After searching your topic in the Library Catalog (Primo), look at the left side of the screen.
Select "Peer-reviewed Journals" and "Apply Filters" to see only results that have been Peer-Reviewed. You can also Filter by Resource Type, Publication Date, and so on.
An option to locate peer-reviewed articles through the HCC Library Online Catalog is using the Articles and More button.
Filter options are built into the HCC Library Online Catalog to help narrow search results. One filter option is Peer-Reviewed Journals.
Another filter to use based on your instructor's directions, change the Publication Date range to the last 10 years. See the picture below for an example. After changing the date range, you must choose Refine for the library catalog to resort with updated results reflecting the publication date range change.
Once your search results populate, now you need to evaluate those results. Since we chose the Peer-Reviewed Filter, all articles in the results should be from Peer-Reviewed, Scholarly resources, but it also a good practice to double check and make sure. How do we do this?
The link PTSD Library Catalog Peer Reviewed Search Results brings you to the HCC Library Catalog with search results filtered to Peer-Reviewed articles with a Publication Date range of 2013-2024.
The top header on the Library Online Catalog web page has an option called Databases A-Z. Choose the Databases A-Z option to view and access the online databases available through the HCC Library Online Databases.
Similar to the Online Library Catalog, the Library Database A-Z listing has filter options to help narrow results. Also the filter options helps the user determine what is the best databases to use for a given topic/subject, like psychology, or type of information needed, such as article, video, news, etc.
Open the database called Health and Wellness (Gale).
Type your search term in the search term box. When the results populate, use the following steps to narrow results to peer-reviewed sources: