This guide is designed for self use by autistic and aspergerian individuals for help, information, and guidance as well as instructors, support staff, friends, and colleagues
Health in an autistic individual is commonly affected by an ASD diagnosis. While there are many complication, common underlying medical conditions include:
Compared to adolescents without ASD, adolescents with ASD were
90% more likely to have additional mental health or other conditions.
About 1 in 5 had physical difficulties, and
about 3 in 5 had additional mental health or other conditions, such as ADHD or anxiety.
More likely to receive mental health services (41.8% vs. 22.1%), but also three times more likely to have an unmet healthcare service need (11.0% vs. 3.2%).
Less likely to receive the recommended guidance on healthcare transition (HCT) planning from their doctors or healthcare providers.
Only 1 in 13 adolescents with ASD received the recommended guidance to move from pediatric to adult health care.