There are several resources that can be found in the HCC Libraries. Use this page of the LibGuide to help locate books (printed and eBook) on career interests.
"Careers In..." - There are several series of books that have have tittles or descriptions with "careers in". This is a good starting search term:
"Careers in" AND engineering
Try the name of your career AND additional keywords such as:
Career OR Careers
Job OR jobs
Profession OR professions
Vocational Guidance OR career guidance
Employment forecasting
Salary OR salaries OR wages
Working conditions
Work environment
Below are a few examples of search results using the above search terms.
The book publisher, Salem Press, has a book series called "Careers in" that covers multiple different types of career fields and industries. The Careers In series can be accessed both as a printed book or as an eBook. To search the HCC Libraries online catalog for careers AND Salem.
The following book titles are new to the collection in the subject of Careers.
A sample of the types of books and eBooks available through HCC Libraries.