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English for Academic Purposes: English as a Second Language: Try AI for Language Learning

Some ideas for using artificial intellligence programs for language learning

Try ChatGPT or other artificial intelligence tools to help with language learning: 

Currently, ChatGPT is free to use if demand is low, with standard response speed, using regular model updates.  Go to  Look for the “Try me” button.  Sign up with an email address.  Once you are in ChatGPT, you can put in a prompt, review the output, and then ask for changes in “conversation” with the AI.  Another option:  If Chrome is your browser and you have a Google account:  Try the ChatGPT Chrome extension and log in with a Google account.  Consider reading ChatGPT's FAQ  - especially concerning personal privacy. 

Charlie’s Lessons. (2022, December 14). ChatGPT Teacher Tutorial: AI for your ESL class!  YouTube.  

Examples of using ChatGPT to produce formal, and more informal text, and then asking ESL students to describe the differences in use of language. Includes an example of using to analyze the texts produced by ChatGPT. 


Registre, J. (2022, December 31). AI just KILLED traditional language learning (ChatGPT)  YouTube  

[Examples: Use AI to create a language study plan, create conversations with differing levels of formality....and differing learning levels... and more]


Shamesh, Hadar.  (2023, January 24).  ChatGPT tutorial: How to use ChatGPT for Learning and Practicing English. 

            [Includes YouTube video, transcript of the video, suggestions for using ChatGPT including prompts, etc]