To find library resources to use for the career project in your ENC class with Ms. Davis, see the pull down menu from this page header. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your librarian.
"Careers"by Got Credit is licensed under CC BY 2.0
"Careers In..." - There are several series of books that have have tittles or descriptions with "careers in". This is a good starting search term:
"Careers in" AND nursing
Try the name of your career AND additional keywords such as:
Career OR Careers
Job OR jobs
Profession OR professions
Vocational Guidance
Employment forecasting
Salary OR salaries OR wages
Working conditions
Work environment
The databases below are career specific. Type in your career field of interest, such as "veterinary technician", and click search. These databases provide great information per career field such as salary, education requirements, career field growth potential and job listings. You must be logged into HCC Libraries Online in order to access. For log in instructions, please see the Logging Into HCC Libraries page.
The following database listings are good to use to find scholarly articles needed for this assignment.
1. Check Full Text
2. Check Scholarly, Peer Reviewed
3. Enter Date Range Parameter