Films on Demand is the NetFlix of the Academic World! It provides you links to tons of fun and informative documentaries on all subject areas. When you use Films on Demand you only have to remember one thing... FREE movies and Television shows!
Digital Theatre+ features performances of works by American, European, Asian, and other worldwide dramatists from the past several centuries. In addition to performances, Theatre also features dozens of documentaries and interviews about theatre, discussing the history of theatre, acting methods, pioneering dramatists and actors, and much more.
Humanities Source is your go to place for all things humanity related. While it might not have all the bells and whistles it has an amazing about of informative and authoritative articles on all sorts of topics including history, literature and art...
ARTstor is the be all and end all of the art database world! It is what the experts use. It not only covers all types of art but it also has examples of various forms of art throughout world history!
Music & Performing Arts combines audio and video that spans all time periods, hundreds of thousands of seminal artists, composers, choreographers, and ensembles!