Books on an artist's (or historic figure's) work and/or life can be found by searching the catalog: Primo Library Search. Here are three examples:
Find: pablo picasso
Find: felix mendelssohn
Find: caravaggio
You can find more materials in the Library by searching general subjects. Again, here are some examples:
jazz music history digital art art criticism African American art Buddhism Ancient Egypt Descartes Asian Art
If you're prompted to enter Log-In information, refer to the Home or HCC ID Info page.
You may find all that you need just by using the HCC Libraries Search box, including more than just books—for example, articles, ebooks, streaming video, and more.
• Circulating books are available for check-out in YLRC/201.
• Reference books are available for in-library use in YLRC/202.
• eBooks can be read online with a valid Borrower ID number and PIN.
• Interlibrary Loan books may be requested online and sent to HCC for you to check out.
A selection of Reference books in various Arts & Humanities fields. The Call Number indicates where the book is located on the shelf. If the book is online, a link is provided.