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Click HERE to search for e-books on Africa in the "Find Books, Articles, Media and More Catalog." As of March, 2013, there were 79 results in the catalog. To access the e-books, you will have to sign in. Your borrower ID is your student number. Your PIN is the last four of that number. You can read the full text of the e-book on your computer or download it to a mobile device.
A selection of Reference books:
You can find materials in the Library by searching general or specific subjects. Here are some examples:
sculpture | Islam history |
art criticism | folk music Africa |
Nigeria culture OR customs | Liberia |
african art |
To search, go to "Find Books, Articles, Media and More" at the Brandon Library homepage.
Magazines/journals are shelved alphabetically. Check out period is one week. For online article research see the Online Databases tab.
ONLINE JOURNALS in our databases - DON'T FORGET TO CHECK THE DATABASES TAB. We have many journals in our databases that cover African humanities.