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PSY 2012 - Mellan (Plant City): Instructions for using PsycArticles

Information needed to complete the journal article analysis paper in Dr. Mellan's class.

Finding Journal Articles

What journals can be used?

To complete this assignment you will need to use a research article published in a journal in the field of psychology.  The library has access to a variety of journals that are available through the HCC Libraries in both print and online library databases.

Below is an example of journal titles that are available in both print and library database formats through the HCC Plant City campus library:

These are not the only journals that can be used but as long as the journal is in the field of psychology - that is important to remember.  The HCC Libraries has an electronic database called PsycArticles that provides access to several psychology related journals.



PsycArticles Tips

Database searches for the required research articles can be an adventure.  Above is a tip sheet on PsycArticles that can help you to get started.  If it doesn't help, please contact your campus librarian for additional help.   

In order to access the HCC electronic databases, you will need to be logged into HCC Libraries Online.  If you are not sure how to log in, please see the Logging into HCC Libraries for directions.

PsycArticles Database

PsycArticles (APA PsycArticles)

To search for journal articles in the online databases, please use the PsycARTICLES Database.  You will need to be signed into HCC Libraries Online in order to access the articles through this database.  If you are not sure how to log in, please see the Home page on this LibGuide.