How many times have been a victim of institutional racism?
How many times did you hear about a family member experiencing something they described as racial discrimination?
How many times were your parents or other family members treated unfairly or badly because of the color of their skin, language, accent, or because they came from a different country or culture?
How many times did people overhear someone crack jokes about people of your race/ethnic group?
How many times did you see a peer of your same race/ethnicity teased because of their race/ethnicity?
How many times did a peer joke about the negative treatment of black people in the United States (e.g., slavery, police brutality)?
How many times did someone joke about the texture of your natural hair because of your race/ethnicity?
How many times did someone tease you because of your skin tone?
How many times did you see someone lock the doors of their car, because of your race/ethnicity?
How many times did the police accuse you of having or selling drugs, because of your race/ethnicity?
How many times did someone misunderstand your intentions and motives, because of your race/ethnicity?
How many times did you see someone cross the street, because of your race/ethnicity?
How many times did people look at you like you are a criminal, because of your race/ethnicity?
How many times were the police verbally abusive to you, because of your race/ethnicity?
How many times did a teacher have low expectations, because of your race/ethnicity?
How many times did people act as if you were not as smart because of your race/ethnicity?
How many times did a peer point out that you fit a stereotype of your race/ethnicity?
How many times were you mistaken for someone else of your same race/ethnicity?
How many times did a peer assume that you were an expert on people of your same race/ethnic background?
How many times were you hassled by a store clerk or store guard, because of your race/ethnicity?
How many times did you receive poor service at a restaurant, because of your race/ethnicity?
How many times did someone discourage you from trying to achieve an important goal, because of your race/ethnicity?
How many times did people act as if you were dishonest, because of your race/ethnicity?
How many times did people act as if they were better than you because of your race/ethnicity?
How many times did you encounter people who did not expect you to do well, because of your race/ethnicity?
How many times did you encounter people who were surprised that you, given your race or ethnic background, did something really well?
How many times did someone ignore you or exclude you from activities, because of your race/ethnicity?
How many times were you out of place in a social situation, because of your race/ethnicity?
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