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Faculty Resources on Diversity & Inclusion

Books & eBooks


Social Annotation and an Inclusive Praxis for Open Pedagogy in the College Classroom

Brown, M., & Croft, B. (2020). Social Annotation and an Inclusive Praxis for Open Pedagogy in the College Classroom. Journal of Interactive Media in Education2020(1), 1–8.

The Intersection of Gender, Social Class, and Cultural Context: a Meta-Analysis

Parker, P. D., Van Zanden, B., Marsh, H. W., Owen, K., Duineveld, J. J., & Noetel, M. (2020). The Intersection of Gender, Social Class, and Cultural Context: A Meta-Analysis. Educational Psychology Review32(1), 197–228. 

Un/Doing Intersectionality Through Higher Education Research

Harris, J. C., & Patton, L. D. (2019). Un/Doing intersectionality through higher education research. Journal of Higher Education90(3), 347–372.

Inclusive Pedagogy: Tapping Cognitive Dissonance Experienced By International Students

Jain, R. (2019). Inclusive pedagogy: Tapping cognitive dissonance experienced by international students. Writing & Pedagogy11(1), 127–150.

Diversity in Higher Education: Creating Culturally Responsive Classrooms

Lemoine, M. F. (15 June 2019). Diversity in higher education: Creating culturally responsive classrooms. Higher Ed Connects

Promoting Race Pedagogy in Higher Education: Creating an Inclusive Community

Williams, S. A. S., Hanssen, D. V., Rinke, C. R., & Kinlaw, C. R. (2020). Promoting Race Pedagogy in Higher Education: Creating an Inclusive Community. Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation30(3), 369–393. 

The Case for Inclusive Teaching

Gannon, K. (27 February 2018). The case for inclusive teaching. The Chronicle of Higher Education.

Give Students More Options When They Have to Take Your Course

Gooblar, D. (16 May 2018). Give students more options when they have to take your course. The Chronicle of Higher Education.

Making the Invisible Visible: Advancing Quantitative Methods in Higher Education Using Critical Race Theory and Intersectionality

López, N., Erwin, C., Binder, M., & Chavez, M. J. (2018). Making the invisible visible: Advancing quantitative methods in higher education using critical race theory and intersectionality. Race, Ethnicity and Education, 21(2), 180-207. 

Intersectionality in the Field of Education: A Critical Look at Race, Gender, Treatment, Pay, and Leadership

Macias, A., & Stephens, S. (2019). Intersectionality in the field of education: A critical look at race, gender, treatment, pay, and leadership. Journal of Latinos & Education18(2), 164–170.

Queer Pedagogy: Approaches to Inclusive Teaching

Nemi Neto, J. (2018). Queer pedagogy: Approaches to inclusive teaching. Policy Futures in Education, 16(5), 589–604.

“Your American Sign Language Interpreters are Hurting Our Education”: Toward a Relational Understanding of Inclusive Classroom Pedagogy

Valente, J. M. (2016). “Your American Sign Language interpreters are hurting our education”: Toward a relational understanding of inclusive classroom pedagogy. Transformations: The Journal of Inclusive Scholarship and Pedagogy, 25(2), 20–36.

Cross-Pollinating Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy and Universal Design for Learning: Toward an Inclusive Pedagogy That Accounts for Dis/Ability

Waitoller, F. R., & Thorius, K. A. K. (2016). Cross-Pollinating Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy and Universal Design for Learning: Toward an Inclusive Pedagogy That Accounts for Dis/Ability. Harvard Educational Review86(3), 366–389.

Web Resources

Community Tampa Bay

The mission of Community Tampa Bay is to cultivate inclusive leaders to change communities through dialogue and cross-cultural interaction. In other words, we empower people with the tools to have hard conversations with others who don't look like them, live like them, or love like them to create a community free from all forms of discrimination.

Florida Center for Inclusive Communities

Their purpose is to promote the independence, productivity, and community inclusion of individuals with developmental disabilities.

Florida Diversity Council

The Florida Diversity Council (FLDC) is committed to fostering a learning environment for organizations to grow and leverage their knowledge of diversity.

CNDLS: Inclusive Pedagogy

Website on inclusive pedagogy from the Center for New Designs in Learning and Scholarship at Georgetown University.

Cornell University Inclusive Teaching Strategies

Cornell University's Center for Teaching Innovation's page on inclusive teaching strategies

EDUCAUSE Review: Inclusive and Open Pedagogies

Three blog posts that explore the intersections of inclusive and open practices in education.

Emory University Center for Faculty Development and Excellence

Emory University's page on inclusive pedagogy that includes a link to a discussions and resources document

Georgetown University: Inclusive Pedagogy

Includes information and resources about the evidence for inclusive pedagogy, implicit bias, teaching strategies, and more.

Grinnell College: What is Intersectionality?

Information on intersectionality. 

Harvard University Derek Bok Center for Teaching and Learning

A website dedicated to inclusive teaching

Inclusive Higher Ed Pedagogy

Helping faculty develop strategies for increasing access and inclusion in Higher Ed classrooms.

Intersectionality 101

Student-friendly video about intersectionality by Teaching Tolerance.

Kimberlé Crenshaw: What is Intersectionality?

In this video, Crenshaw, a 2017 NAIS People of Color Conference speaker, civil rights advocate, and professor at UCLA School of Law and Columbia Law School, talks about intersectional theory, the study of how overlapping or intersecting social identities—and particularly minority identities—relate to systems and structures of discrimination.

TILT: Inclusive Pedagogy

The Institute for Teaching & Learning at Colorado State University.

UC Boulder Inclusive Excellence Resources

A list of inclusive resources from the University of Colorado Boulder

University of Michigan Center for Research on Learning and Teaching

Provides access to various resources and publications, including resources on assessment

Vanderbilt University Center for Teaching

Focuses on Difficult Dialogues in the classroom and beyond